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Overcoming OCD: Embracing Uncertainty and Finding Freedom

The Role of Online CBT Therapy and Strategies for overcoming with OCD

Doubt and uncertainty are at the core of most types of OCD. In this article, we will explore how the relentless pursuit of certainty can worsen OCD symptoms. Additionally, we will discuss effective strategies and the benefits of Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for overcoming OCD.

Living with OCD requires tremendous effort to let go of safety-seeking behaviours during treatment. The desire to eliminate doubts through absolute certainty is a defining characteristic of OCD. This can result in significant physical and mental exertion as individuals strive to feel "just right" and prevent negative outcomes in the future.

It's understandable why individuals with OCD engage in this ongoing battle. When doubt and uncertainty trigger the threat system, the natural response is to seek certainty in situations perceived as potentially threatening.

However, there is a fundamental flaw in these attempts: perfect certainty does not exist in life. Our world and each individual within it are far from perfect. We have limited control over our surroundings, and the future cannot be predicted. Embracing our imperfect nature in an unpredictable world can be overwhelming and frustrating for those struggling with OCD.

So, what can individuals battling OCD and their longing for certainty do?

We know that safety-seeking behaviours do not work. Although these behaviours may provide temporary relief, they ultimately perpetuate the problem. Paradoxically, the strategies intended to make you feel better end up making you feel worse. Engaging in safety-seeking behaviours like checking, counting, avoiding, repeating, seeking reassurance, washing, questioning, analysing, or neutralising does not provide lasting relief.

Anxiety itself is not the primary issue; it is our response to anxiety—the compulsions—that pose the problem. In other words, the very solutions we adopt to address obsessions gradually become the problem itself. The ironic quest for certainty and control leads to the opposite outcome—loss of control over one's life.

Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, specifically exposure response prevention (ERP) therapy, offers effective support for individuals with OCD. It involves facing fears and equipping individuals with tools to embrace uncertainty. The aim is to accept uncertainty instead of seeking reassurance, using logic to disprove acting on thoughts or striving for absolute certainty that certain events will never happen. In ERP therapy, individuals learn to allow thoughts to exist, treating them as inconsequential, without seeking reassurance or analyzing their meaning. Therapists guide individuals to confront their fears rather than escape or avoid them.

Although online CBT therapy may initially trigger anxiety, the long-term benefits are substantial. Embracing uncertainty empowers individuals with OCD to let go of the "what ifs" associated with the past and future, enabling them to live mindfully in the present. This newfound freedom is transformative for those affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder.

If you struggle with OCD and the incessant battle for certainty, there is hope. Online CBT Treatment, specifically exposure response prevention therapy (ERP), can help you confront your fears and learn to live with uncertainty. By accepting our imperfect nature in an unpredictable world, you can release the grip of "what ifs" and embrace the present moment. Although it may be anxiety-provoking at first, the long-term rewards are significant.

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My Therapist Online offers anxiety disorder specialists who can support and guide you in living with uncertainty and overcoming OCD.

The goal is to embrace uncertainty. Instead of seeking reassurance, using logic to prove that you won't act on intrusive thoughts, or attempting to achieve absolute certainty that certain things will never happen, the treatment approach takes a different path.

In online CBT therapy, expert therapists provide support and guidance to help individuals allow their thoughts to exist without attaching meaning to them. The focus is on redirecting attention away from the thoughts, disregarding them as inconsequential. There's no need for reassurance or extensive analysis. Therapists encourage individuals to confront their fears rather than escape or avoid them.

Identifying your values and interests can be beneficial as they provide a refocusing point and serve as an anchor for your energy and attention. Once you decide to resist the urge to seek certainty, you can choose to redirect your focus towards activities aligned with your values. This supports your commitment to accepting uncertainty and prevents undoing your progress through checking or reassurance-seeking behaviours.

If you find yourself driven by thoughts and urges to seek certainty about events and frequently seek reassurance from others, you may benefit from adopting helpful ways of thinking, such as:

  • Recognise that OCD is deceiving you; it's impossible to be certain about everything.

  • Understand that OCD compulsions don't guarantee the prevention of bad things; they only perpetuate feelings of being stuck and miserable.

  • Practice being okay with not always knowing what will happen.

  • Embrace the fact that life is uncertain, and you have the capacity to cope with anything it presents, even without relying on your OCD.

If you struggle with OCD, you understand the exhausting battle of seeking certainty and engaging in safety behaviours that worsen symptoms. However, there is hope. Online CBT Treatment, specifically exposure response prevention therapy (ERP), can assist you in confronting your fears and learning to live with uncertainty.

By accepting our imperfect nature in an unpredictable world, you can release the grip of "what ifs" and live mindfully in the present. Though it may initially cause anxiety, the long-term rewards are substantial. My Therapist Online provides anxiety disorder specialists who can support and teach you to live with uncertainty and overcome OCD.

Practice feeling comfortable with not always knowing what will happen and take the first step towards newfound freedom.

If OCD and its numerous symptoms are affecting you or someone you know, please reach out. We will attentively listen to your specific problems and recommend the best online therapists tailored to your needs. You will have the opportunity to consult with expert online CBT therapists who can guide you in overcoming OCD. We have anxiety disorder specialists available without any waiting lists

Written by Lisa Jonnston,

Online CBT Therapist
Director of My Therapist Online

Books referenced in the writing of this article; Break free from OCD - Jo Derisley et al. 

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