Welcome To The Mental Wellness CollectivE

Affordable Online Workshops
Nurturing Resilience Together


Join Us for the Next Workshop!

We are registering interest for our NEXT workshop (date TBC). Please sign up now to express your interest and be the first to know about the our workshop dates and details. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and grow your knowledge!

We look forward to seeing you at our next workshop!

An image showcasing interconnected human figures, representing community, support, and the interconnectedness of individuals

Are you seeking an affordable way to improve and look after your mental wellbeing?

Look no further.  Join us, psychologists Dr. Annahita Nezami and Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, in collaboration with My Therapist Online, for the 'The Mental Wellness Collective' workshops, all from the comfort of your own space.

Your first workshop topic: Stress Busting awareness and Skills 

When: Next workshop date TBC

Where: Online / Zoom

Fee: £25

Duration: 60 - 90 mins.

Who: Psychologists Dr. Annahita Nezami & Dr. Gurpreet Kaur,


Why join us?

As experienced psychologists who have guided clients through therapy and navigated our own personal challenges, we understand the vital need for accessible, affordable, and inclusive community spaces.

True healing goes beyond traditional therapeutic techniques;

It requires a holistic approach. That's why we've created a space that embraces wellbeing, honours the complexities of human experience, and harnesses the strength of community support.

Join our Community

Join our vibrant community committed to fostering mental health.  Engage in expert-led discussions, delve into guided journaling and mindfulness practices, and participate in purposeful online activities aimed at enriching wellbeing and encouraging introspection.


Let's create a supportive online community together. Join The Mental Wellness Collective today.


Why The Mental Wellness Collective?
Join our next online workshop and gain access to:

  • Be first to hear about al our affordable monthly virtual workshops with expert speakers

  • Be part of a supportive community

  • Hear inspiring personal stories from individuals who have overcome adversity or trauma

  • A range of workshop topics such as: stress awareness and management, managing mental health and emotional wellbeing during menopause, overcoming self-doubt and building confidence, emotion regulation, and finding balance in the modern world.

  • A space to practice therapy tools and techniques like self-compassion and guided meditation

  • Curated videos from workshops and seasonal newsletters with highlights, psychology tips, and spotlights

  • Invitations to mental health and wellbeing events

  • Optional paid follow-up sessions and mentorship opportunities with My Therapist Online


Secure your place and join us from anywhere in the world to begin your journey toward mental wellness.

Our program invites you to explore, connect, and thrive.

Meet Our Expert Facilitators

  • Meet the Experts: Dr Annahita Nezami and Dr Gurpreet Kaur are our facilitators. They bring personal stories, expertise, engaging content, and empathy to every session, ensuring a supportive environment.  

  • Unified Mission: With diverse backgrounds, they share a mission to compassionately support your wellbeing journey through the power of collaboration and community engagement.

  • Inspiring Dedication: Discover personal stories that underscore their commitment to empowering others in mental health advocacy.

What to expect at the workshop

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from insights on stress identification, management, and resilience-building strategies.

  • Engaging Activities: Dive into interactive sessions where you'll actively build resilience through grounding activities and guided meditation.

  • Explore Your Natural Cycles: Delve into understanding yourself alongside the seasonal cycles of nature, fostering insight, compassion, and creativity.

  • Leave Equipped: Gain an understanding of your stress responses and evidence-based tools for stress management.

  • Practical Tools: Access our stress-busting workbook for practical exercises to enhance your wellbeing.

  • Immediate Application: Learn skills applicable in your daily life for tangible results from day one.Together, let's prioritise mental health and embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and growth.

    Join up, and let’s thrive together!