A guide to the My therapist online Therapy matching service for people with a diagnoses of parkinsons
Who are My Therapist Online & what do we do?
My Therapist Online is a Mental Health Service run by CBT therapist Lisa Johnston, her husband Keith and a team of expert therapists.
My Therapist Online takes the guesswork out of finding you the right therapist.
Embarking on a therapeutic journey can be profoundly beneficial for individuals facing the emotional challenges that accompany a Parkinson's diagnosis.
Therapy provides a safe, confidential and supportive space for individuals to navigate complex emotions, including fear, uncertainty, and anxiety about the future.
A skilled therapist can assist in developing coping strategies, fostering resilience, and addressing issues related to identity and self-esteem.
By fostering a therapeutic alliance, individuals with Parkinson's can find strength, emotional support, and practical tools to enhance their overall well-being and maintain a positive outlook on life despite the challenges ahead. Therapy becomes an invaluable resource in fostering emotional resilience and improving the overall quality of life for those living with Parkinson's.
We are experts in matching people with the right therapist.
We tailor our therapist’s specific training and skills to your individual therapeutic needs.
Therapists experienced working with those who have a diagnoses of Parkinsons.
What do I need to do to get matched with the best therapist?
Fill out our simple form to tell us about the problems you would like to address in therapy.
You can set your preferences including therapist gender, religion, cost, and availability for appointments.
Our mental health experts will match you with the best therapist for your individual needs.
They will send you a best match, and a few other great matches to choose from.
All you need to do is confirm which therapist you are happy to move forward with.
Meet your chosen therapist for a free 15-minute introductory session to ensure our therapist match feels right for you.
Start your online therapy journey. Your therapy sessions can be weekly or less frequent, depending on your preference.
Psychology is ‘the scientific study of the mind and how it dictates and influences our behaviour – from communication and memory, to thought and emotion.’
Psychologists are people who think about thinking – they help you understand why you do what you do & have the clinical skills to help you cope more effectively in certain situations.
There are many different types of psychologists and fields of Psychology, but at My Therapist Online our Psychologists can be loosely grouped into two strands:
Clinical Psychologists – these therapists have completed a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Typically they can treat a wide range of mental health problems including anxiety & depression, relationship problems, and addiction.
At My Therapist Online, our Clinical Psychologists charge between £90 - £130 per sessionCounselling Psychologists - these therapists have completed a doctorate in Counselling Psychology and are also registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Typically they can treat a wide range of mental health problems concerning life issues including trauma, relationship issues, sexual abuse and grief & bereavement.
At My Therapist Online, our Counselling Psychologists charge between £95 - £120 per session
Cognitive Behavioural Therapists
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a specific type of talking therapy based around the idea that our thoughts, our feelings, our actions (what we do) and how our bodies feel, are all connected. CBT works on the principal that if we can learn to change one of these factors, we can influence the others.
CBT Therapists are skilled in helping you recognise unhelpful patterns of thinking and responding, which come around when you are low or upset. Often these patterns can worsen how you feel. By changing these problematic thinking styles or behaviour patterns, you can feel better.
CBT can be used to treat a wider range of mental health problems such as all types of anxiety problems, depression, eating disorders, emetophobia (fear of vomit) and other phobias, body dysmorphic disorder, trauma (including PTSD), sleep problems (including insomnia) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
CBT Therapists is not a protected title, meaning anyone who has completed a course, could in theory title themselves as a CBT Therapist. To ensure a suitable threshold of quality at My Therapist Online, we only list BABCP registered or accredited CBT Therapists with at least x3 years of relevant clinical experience. Many of our CBT therapists have a clinical background in the NHS.
At My Therapist Online, our CBT Therapists charge between £60 - £90 per session, with specialists around £110 per session.
Counselling is a specific type of talking therapy delivered by a trained practitioner to help you bring about effective change or to enhance your well-being.
A counsellor uses their skills to help you understand or explore your emotional problems. Counsellors may take you through specific exercises designed to help with your problem, or you might have more general discussions about how you're feeling.
Counselling can help you cope with mental health problems like anxiety & depression or eating disorders. They can help you cope through difficult emotions such as anger or low self-esteem or through difficult life events such as dealing with the loss of a loved one or a relationship breakdown.
Counsellor is not a protected title, meaning anyone can title themselves as one with little or no training. To ensure a suitable threshold of quality at My Therapist Online, we only list BACP registered or accredited counsellors with at least x3 years of relevant clinical experience.
At My Therapist Online, our counsellors charge between £60 - £85 per session
How much do therapists charge per session?
At My Therapist Online, our therapists charge different rates depending on their skills, experience and expertise.
Clinical Psychologists between £90 - £130 per session
Counselling Psychologists charge between £95 - £120 per session
CBT Therapists between £60 - £90 per session, with specialists around £110 per session
Counsellors between £60 - £85 per session