
How to Create New Compassionate Neural Pathways: Techniques for Building a Kinder Mindset

How to Create New Compassionate Neural Pathways: Techniques for Building a Kinder Mindset

Discover how to transform your mindset. Learn the science behind neuroplasticity and explore practical techniques such as repetition of compassionate statements, mindfulness, visualisation, and journaling.

Empower yourself to cultivate a more compassionate internal narrative, enhance emotional resilience, and foster a positive outlook. Start your journey towards a kinder, more resilient self today!

How to practice Mindful Breathing

How to practice Mindful Breathing

By focusing on the breath, we can develop greater self-awareness, reduce stress & anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, as well as cultivate a sense of calm and presence in our daily life. Mindful breathing is often used in therapy, and included within approaches such as ACT, CBT, and CFT, as a tool to help reduce psychological distress and emotional regulation.

Fireworks, birdtables & gratitude - how they can all help

Fireworks, birdtables & gratitude - how they can all help

The power of being present is not a skill we are always good at. CBT therapist Sarah Kenny reflects on how being in the moment can positively effect us and why, in its most simple form, it is a skill we can all learn to incorporate more into our lives.