
Understanding Procrastination: Why We Put Things Off and How It Affects Us

Understanding Procrastination: Why We Put Things Off and How It Affects Us

Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Procrastination: Insights Into Mental Health, Perfectionism, and Beyond

Ever found yourself putting off a task you know is important? You’re not alone. Procrastination isn’t just about being lazy; it’s a complex behavior tied to our emotions, mental health, and even perfectionism. Dive into the psychology behind procrastination to uncover how perfectionism, anxiety, and conditions like OCD and BDD play a role.

Discover practical strategies to break free from the cycle of delay and learn how understanding these emotional triggers can lead to more effective time management. Join us as we explore the causes and consequences of procrastination and uncover ways to regain control.

Perfectly imperfect - how to overcome the traps of perfectionism.

Perfectly imperfect - how to overcome the traps of perfectionism.

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. On one side, it can push us to strive for greatness, propelling us forward to reach our goals and organise our lives. On the other side, it can drain us emotionally and become destructive.

Here we look at the types of perfectionism, to look out for and explore the best treatments for addressing them.