The Role of EMDR and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) in Enhancing Mental Wellbeing

The Role of EMDR and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) in Enhancing Mental Wellbeing

Explore how EMDR and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) can reshape perceptions of reality and foster compassion. Learn about the profound impact of these therapies on mental wellbeing, including reducing anxiety, enhancing emotional regulation, and improving relationships. Discover how MTO's expert therapists can guide you on this transformative journey towards a more compassionate and fulfilling life.

The wound that never heals – When the past haunts you and can’t be left behind.

The wound that never heals – When the past haunts you and can’t be left behind.

The wound that never heals – When the past haunts you and can’t be left behind.

Dr Susana Lara , is an experienced Clinical Psychologist and brief strategic therapist. Here she talks about why traumatic experiences stick around and the paradox of strategies used to trying to avoid the memories of them. Dr Susana Lara explains how she uses brief strategic therapy to effectively help process traumas so that they no longer cause a person so much pain.