Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap: Navigating Social Comparisons for Personal Growth & Well-Being

Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap: Navigating Social Comparisons for Personal Growth & Well-Being

This article delves into the complex nature of social comparison, exploring its evolutionary origins and the potential pitfalls it presents in our modern lives. It provides practical strategies for managing social comparisons, including reframing critical thoughts, embracing immersion in fulfilling activities, and practicing self-compassion. The article emphasizes the importance of recognizing the curated nature of social media and offers positive affirmations to promote a healthier mindset. By understanding and navigating the tendencies of social comparison, readers will gain insights to foster personal growth, enhance self-worth, and cultivate genuine happiness in their own lives.

Was Shakespeare a secret CBT therapist specialising in the treatment of OCD??

Was Shakespeare a secret CBT therapist specialising in the treatment of OCD??

Discover how Shakespeare, the beloved bard and master of English, may have been an early adopter of cognitive behavioural therapy, and explore his pearls of wisdom for managing negative thinking patterns and OCD symptoms. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.

You can ride the wave of anxiety & panic

You can ride the wave of anxiety & panic

The less you engage with the feelings of anxiety, the quicker they will go. Noticing the feeling, labelling it and then carrying on in spite of it, means you are not fuelling it further but allowing it to run its natural course. The feelings will go if you learn to ride them rather than fight them.

Moving Away from Shaming during Covid-19

Moving Away from Shaming during Covid-19

Clinical Psychologist, Angelica Attard, shares her thoughts and reflections as restrictions are listed and how to meet these without shaming.

In many countries, police are roaming the streets checking that people are abiding by the rules. However, when people start ‘policing’ each other, and doing so in a shaming way (see news articles), where is the line and how do we draw it? It is a tricky balance, for which I don’t have all the answers, but here are my thoughts to get us thinking and becoming aware.

Approaching Coronavirus with Compassion

Approaching Coronavirus with Compassion

Clinical Psychologist, Angelica Attard, shares her thoughts and reflections on how we can use compassion to help us navigate this time and the emotions it might evoke in us.

Angelica helps us to understand that our reactions are instinctual and rooted deeply in evolution. At the same time, we have the capability and a responsibility to be mindful of our behaviour so that we can respond helpfully and with compassion rather than to react automatically and potentially harmfully towards ourselves and others.

Emetophobia in times of Covid-19

Emetophobia in times of Covid-19

Jelena Mohnani reflects on her experience of recovery from Emetophobia and how she has maintained recovery despite the challenges faced by Covid-19.

Self comparison during COVID-19.

Self comparison during COVID-19.

ALL of our worlds have become a little smaller. We are ALL doing the best we can to muddle through this time. To adapt to a new way of living. We are ALL finding our feet and navigating this huge shift in our daily lives

CBT therapist advice on how to manage the mood sapping impact of social comparison during COVID-19. Online therapist Lisa Johnston offers actionable steps for navigating in a positive way while still remaining connected.

Helpful advice for managing anxiety during Coronavirus. 

Helpful advice for managing anxiety during Coronavirus. 

It is normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or upset (among a wide range of other emotional reactions) during times of such uncertainty. This article offers advice, tips and tools to manage anxiety at such an uncertain time.

The misconception of self care - why we are probably getting it wrong.

The misconception of self care - why we are probably getting it wrong.

How can we include self care in our busy lives?

Counselling Psychologist Dr Alexandra Barnett shares her wisdom & reflections on what self care really means, & how to achieve better self care in our lives.

A liberating point - thoughts are NOT facts. Why you need to let them go. (CBT Expert advice)

A liberating point - thoughts are NOT facts. Why you need to let them go. (CBT Expert advice)

For some, thoughts can generate a great deal of negative emotion and can become pesky and persistent. Learning that they are all ‘just thoughts’ and that you can let the control over them go, despite the feeling they generate in you, can feel like a liberating life skill. You can’t stop them from appearing, but you can stop them from bothering you