My Therapist Online

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How to Prepare for Your First Online Therapy Session

Ten Tips for the best quality video meeting

A little preparation ahead of your first online therapy appointment will ensure you get the most out of your time with your therapist.

Most people are initially apprehensive about their first online therapy session; this is completely normal.

Take it from me and the feedback from thousands of people now accessing therapy this way: online therapy works just as well as most face-to-face therapies, if not better.

You are able to access the best treatment for your needs without any travel, all from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you feel happy to talk).

Our TEN top tips are here to help you feel really prepared for your first appointment and to get you the very best quality video feed.

Once you have completed the My Therapist Online registration form, we will put you directly in touch with your chosen qualified therapist.  

Next you will meet for a FREE 15 minute initial consultation ahead of your first full appointment.

1) Check your internet connection

Online video therapy requires reliable and reasonably high-speed internet.

A good and steady connection makes online treatment sessions run as smoothly as possible. 

We strongly recommend using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi, for a more stable connection during a call.

If that’s not an option, try moving your device closer to the Wi-Fi hotspot or router. 

2) Choose the best video platform for you.

My Therapist Online allows you to request your preferred video platform, so you are as comfortable as possible. Alternatively, your therapist can recommend a platform, such as VSee, Zoom, Skype or FaceTime.

Download the necessary software

Typically, video platforms require some software to be downloaded and an account to be set up, so try to do this well ahead of your first session.

Links to download the most commonly used video platforms

  • Zoom

    The majority of my Therapist Online Therapists use Zoom. To get a zoom account you need an email, password & filling in a short profile section is all that’s needed to set up a Zoom account.

  • VSee - The installation process is quick and straightforward.

    Information on setting up was easy to find and I only needed an email address and login.

  • FaceTime - This is only compatible with Apple products (iPhones, Macs and iPads) and should already be available on your device

  • Google Hangouts - There is a quick plugin for Google Hangouts that only requires a browser restart. You can download this from here:

  • Skype - is very easy to download.  Click on the link and follow the download instructions for your device.

3) Do a test call

If you haven’t done so already, do a test call to make sure everything works. Familiarise yourself with your video platform settings, such as knowing where the video and audio controls are located.

If you are uncomfortable using the software, practice calling friends or family. The more familiar you are with video calls, the easier you will find those first few appointments.

Make sure you adjust the security settings of your video platform to as high as you feel necessary.

4) Choose a quiet location

For a good quality therapy session, we recommend that you find a place where you have privacy and quiet.

Find somewhere that you know you won’t be disturbed. This way, you can really concentrate on your appointment without distractions, and with the confidence that nobody is listening to what you talk about.

5) Good sound quality is important

We recommend using a headset or an earbud. This will avoid an echo, ensure your therapist's words are not overheard, and provide a better sound quality on the call.

People who have benefited from online therapy have reported that a headset also helps them to focus on their online therapy session.

6) Bring your camera to eye level

By raising your computer up a little (on some books or folders) you will have both a better face shot of you, as well as it being better for your posture. 

7) Good lighting

Make sure that you have good lighting, bright enough so your therapist can see your face. Lights behind you can cause your face to be in shadow, so try to sit somewhere where there is either plenty of natural light or a light in front of your face.

8) Agree a back up plan with your therapist

If the internet connection fails, try re-connecting. 

If using wi-fi, turn off other wi-fi using devices if possible.

Agree on a plan with your therapist if the connection fails.

9) Items to have nearby during your appointment:

  • a notepad and pen to take any useful notes

  • a glass of water or a warm drink

  • your power lead - Video drains your battery more than nearly any other program you can run on your computer. If you are using a laptop or tablet, charging it to 100% is a great idea. An even better idea is to have your laptop plugged in.

10) And finally, create a little time for after the appointment for a Post-Session Reflection and Action Plan

Reflect on Your Session

After your therapy session, spend some time thinking about what was discussed. This can help solidify what you've learned and track your progress.

  • Journal Your Experience: Write down your thoughts and emotions.

  • Highlight Key Insights: Identify any significant takeaways or new understandings.

  • Identify Future Focus Areas: Note any topics you want to delve into more deeply in upcoming sessions.

Implement Therapist Suggestions

Your therapist may provide you with activities or strategies to work on between sessions. To maximize the benefits of your therapy:

  • Complete Assigned Tasks: Follow through with any homework or recommended actions.

  • Practice Techniques: Apply any coping strategies or techniques suggested by your therapist.

  • Track Your Progress: Keep a journal of your experiences and any changes you notice.

By engaging in these reflective and proactive steps, you can enhance the effectiveness of your therapy and support your journey towards well-being.

Remote therapy can be just as effective as in-person sessions when approached correctly. By optimizing your environment, preparing thoroughly, and engaging actively, you can significantly enhance the benefits of your remote therapy sessions.

I hope this helps you get the best quality video, so you can get the most out of your course of therapy.  If you have any questions about anything covered in this post, or would like any information about online therapy, please send us an email

If you would like us to send you some best-poke therapist recommendations, tell us a litte about the problems you are facing here, or email us directly here.

I hope that we can help you to move towards your personal goals. 

Written by Lisa Johnston,

Online CBT Therapist
Director of My Therapist Online

My Therapist Online connects people who want to better their wellbeing and happiness with the right therapist for their needs.