Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) - as effective when delivered online.

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) - as effective when delivered online.

Access expert EMDR therapy from home through online therapy.

Paul Gebka-Scuffins, an EMDR therapist, discusses his online video therapy approach.

How online therapy works & how to make it work for you.

How online therapy works & how to make it work for you.

Find out how online therapy works, why people are typically choosing online therapy and what to expect of your first appointment.

We give you practical tips for getting the most out of your therapy and making it work best for you.

Unpacking Online Therapy

Unpacking Online Therapy is a short video by Sarah Kenny looking at what online therapy is, how it works and why so many people are benefiting from live video meetings with an expert therapist.

Sarah describes the answers to;

- What is online therapy?

- What are the benefits of online therapy?

- How does online therapy work?

- What is different about online therapy?

- What conditions can be treated in online therapy?

- How to prepare for a session.

- Starting your first therapy session

Moving Away from Shaming during Covid-19

Moving Away from Shaming during Covid-19

Clinical Psychologist, Angelica Attard, shares her thoughts and reflections as restrictions are listed and how to meet these without shaming.

In many countries, police are roaming the streets checking that people are abiding by the rules. However, when people start ‘policing’ each other, and doing so in a shaming way (see news articles), where is the line and how do we draw it? It is a tricky balance, for which I don’t have all the answers, but here are my thoughts to get us thinking and becoming aware.

Approaching Coronavirus with Compassion

Approaching Coronavirus with Compassion

Clinical Psychologist, Angelica Attard, shares her thoughts and reflections on how we can use compassion to help us navigate this time and the emotions it might evoke in us.

Angelica helps us to understand that our reactions are instinctual and rooted deeply in evolution. At the same time, we have the capability and a responsibility to be mindful of our behaviour so that we can respond helpfully and with compassion rather than to react automatically and potentially harmfully towards ourselves and others.

Growth during Difficult times

Growth during Difficult times

Although not everyone who goes through trauma, experiences growth, research has shown that for some people posttraumatic growth can show up in 5 core ways as they:

1. Have a greater appreciation of life and what their priorities are

2. Identify new opportunities

3. Develop a greater awareness of their personal strengths

4. Form closer and enriched relationships

5. Experience spiritual renewal and change

Angelica Attard, an experienced Clinical Psychologist reflects on how we can nurture growth and development during these new and challenging times.

Unpacking LockDown Fatigue - Coping strategies during Covid-19

Unpacking LockDown Fatigue - Coping strategies during Covid-19

Sarah continues a helpful series of unpacking therapy approaches and topics. She shares her knowledge & skills.

Sarah clearly describes;

- how to recognise it

- how and why it sets in

- what approaches can you take

If you feel you would benefit from developing any of the therapy tools and techniques on this video, contact www.MyTherapistOnline.co.uk where you can access a private therapist who is an expert in the delivery of online therapy for all mental health needs.

My Therapist Online - providing therapy wherever & whenever you need it.

Emetophobia in times of Covid-19

Emetophobia in times of Covid-19

Jelena Mohnani reflects on her experience of recovery from Emetophobia and how she has maintained recovery despite the challenges faced by Covid-19.